Pike Cattle is located in the Bear Paw Mountains of North Central Montana. The core of my herd originated from a few foundation cows from Sitz Angus and Ox Bow Ranch. Along the way, they have been influenced by genetics from McCumber, Ohlde, Sinclair, Ox Bow, and Redland Angus. Cows are culled deeply with strict criteria on functional traits. They must be efficient, easy fleshing, deep ribbed, with ideal udder design. As input costs continue to rise and labor pools dwindle, it becomes increasingly important to breed cattle that can work for a living. This means efficiency, fertility, longevity, mothering ability, and structural soundness must be at the forefront. The harsh environment of North Central Montana applies additional stressors that serve as a genetic sorting stick. Second chances are not granted as unproductive and infertile cows are culled. Remaining disciplined in breeding decisions, and consistently breeding “like cattle” to “like cattle” creates deep-ribbed, heavily muscled cattle. I strive to breed cattle with “bred in thickness” not “fed in thickness.” The foundation of my consistency lies within a uniform cowherd that has these desired genetics bred through them for generations. Breeding cattle is an art, not a numbers game.
“Breeding cattle is an art, not a numbers game.”
With that said, I am always intested in vising about my breeding program, the getics I choose and the management of my cattle. Please reach out with any questions or interest you have in my program.